ChurchTrac Instructions:
ChurchTrac permits you to give by using a Debit or Credit Card as well as via direct deposit
from your bank account. Direct deposit also permits you to set-up reoccurring giving.
If you choose direct deposit, you will need to create an account.
If you wish to offer a one-time gift without creating an account, click on the blue “To Donate” button and then click on the line marked “Click Here to Give as a Guest” located under the Continue button.
To create an account with Churchtrac, do the following:
1. Click on the Chruchtrac button marked “To Donate.”
2. Type your email address in the appropriate box
3. A pass code will be sent to your email address
4. Enter the pass code to the appropriate box
5. You will be asked to enter a new pass code. This is where you get creative and enter your own password
6. Decide how you wish to give:
a. Credit Card
b. Debit Card
c. ACH/Checking – directions will be given for connecting directly to your bank for
authorizing a one time transfer or a reoccurring transfer.